by Lindsay Stefanov

Guest Post

“It’s December! It’s December!” My children both woke up bed-head and all this morning completely overjoyed that December is finally here. Nothing could have toned down their excitement—boundless energy—they were giddy the entire drive to school.

It is something they have been anticipating for months now, and it is something that signals the coming of Christmas. It is joy in the present and overflowing joy for what is to come.

In the tender heart of a child, this is pure joy.

I remember feeling that excitement, and it still finds its way out from time to time. But I think many of us, consumed by responsibilities and to-do’s, forget to look for it.

Sometimes joy doesn’t come naturally like a child on a December morning. Grief and worry easily override it, especially during the holidays. Many have lost hope because it’s dashed and destroyed too often, causing joy to feel unattainable. And here we are on a December morning, jaded—disinterested.

Truthfully, when you have Christ, joy never leaves you. Happiness comes and goes with the wind, but joy is planted when you accept Christ; nothing can strip it away. But you can forget.

You have to search for it. You have to choose it. And it’s ok to let a little childlike joy seep through every now and again.

Like a December morning, each day is an opportunity to find it. And as we hope in Christ’s return and our ultimate eternal life with Him, let that joy overflow and override whatever else you are facing.

This Christmas, this Advent season, make a choice to remember God’s hope, joy, peace, and love. Give Him room to refresh and renew your spirit as you look up and ahead for what is to come.

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