by Dottie Compton

God is the Creator of life.

He deliberately called you into existence when He Created you in your mother’s womb. Job 10:10 & Jeremiah 1:5

As your Creator, He promises to continually fill you with new life when you study His Word and meet Him in prayer.

Prayer is a time to receive from God. While interacting with Him, He imparts Himself within us, and we slowly BECOME His reflection.

Our wants and needs can sometimes scream so loud that we forget; prayer is mostly about being with God and allowing the work of the Holy Spirit to transform our lives as we enter into a deeper relationship with Him.

Prayer connects us to God and enables us to give more of ourselves to Him. That process is essential to developing a stable, lasting relationship with God and others.

By spending quality time with our Creator, you permit Him to impart wisdom and insight on why He created you, your life’s purpose, and how to walk it out successfully.

On the other hand, failure to consistently spend vulnerable time with God can hold us back from the many benefits of prayer, such as overcoming traumas, deep hurt, abandonment issues, character flaws, relationship inadequacies, and the ability to discern the will of God in our daily life.

Below is an excerpt from Nancy Guthrie’s article for Today’s Christian Woman a couple of years ago, entitled “Prayers That Move the Heart of God.”

“My focus when I pray is to better align my heart with God’s heart. Instead of filling my prayer time with my requests and words, I listen to whatever He says.
Power enters our prayers not by our words sounding powerful but by listening for even the slightest whisper from the One who is All-Powerful.
And that’s when our prayer life comes alive.”

There have been many seasons in my personal life when I didn’t ask God for anything for myself, yet He always knew what I needed and wanted. He provided many of those things at the right time because of His great love.

Those unspoken answered desires brought more pleasure and meaning to me because I knew God could see my love for Him, and He wanted me to know how much He appreciated it.

If we pay attention, we can experience many meaningful moments with God, deepening our faith like nothing or no one else can.

In addition to finding God, and learning about life and ourselves, unique experiences like I just described cause God to become so real and present in our daily life that we won’t allow anything or anyone to come between Him and us.

That’s when you know your relationship is strong enough to refuse to listen to those who talk like “they know” God is non-existent, unloving, or has no power.

The reality is they have never spent enough time to get to know Him through His Word and prayer ❤️

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